In the game, you play as a knight named Sieg Warheit, who is tasked with stopping a man named Victor Delacroix from collecting powerful magical artifacts. The two men and these artifacts are linked by past events; Sieg killed Delacroix's lover, and now Delacroix is hoping to use these magical artifacts to bring his beloved back to life, even if it means causing wanton destruction along the way.
System Requierments
Windows 98/ME/2000/XPMinimum :
Intel Pentium III 1GHz Processor
720MB Hard Disk Space
4X CD-ROM Drive
DirectX compatible Sound Card
64MB DirectX compatible Video Card
DirectX 8.1
1) disable UAC on Vista(untuk Vista,klo bukan vista langsung ke no2)
2) extract archive to NORMAL/SHORT PATH , somewhere like D:\Games
3) run setup.bat (jalankan setup.bat)
download HERE